Thursday 17 December 2015

MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow

My research involves interdisciplinary approaches to clinical neuroscience questions.  This draws from the fields of neuroimaging, integrative genomics and systems biology.

I completed a PhD in Imaging Genomics at King's College London, focusing on the relationship between common genetic variation and quantitative imaging features in preterm infants, with advisors Prof. David Edwards, Prof. Serena Counsell and Prof. Giovanni Montana at the Centre for the Developing Brain at King's College and Prof. Enrico Petretto in the Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disorders Program at Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School

I have a clinical background as a Paediatrician, and my research started with a focus on computational radiology approaches to neurodevelopmental disorders.  This includes research with the Neonatal Medicine group at Imperial College, and during a Kennedy Scholarship in the Computational Radiology Laboratory at Harvard University, with Dr. Simon Warfield and Prof. Joseph Volpe.

I then gained a fellowship at the Integrative Genomics and Medicine group with Prof. Enrico Petretto at the MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, to explore gene networks involved in epilepsy using human tissue. 

The scope of my research has evolved to encompass both Image Analysis and Genomics, which allows a deeper biological understanding of in vivo brain features and their clinical significance.  I now work on the combined analysis of imaging and genomic data, using machine learning to gain clinical insight with the aim of developing therapies to improve developmental outcomes for babies born preterm.

Google Scholar profile

Professional webpage at King's College

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