Krishnan ML, Van Steenwinckel J, Schang AL, Yan J, Arnodottir J, Le Charpentier T, Csaba Z, Dournaud P, S Cipriani, C Auvynet, L Titomanlio, J Pansiot, Ball G, Boardman JP, Walley AJ, Saxena A, Mirza G, Fleiss B, Edwards AD, Petretto EP, Gressens P. Integrative genomics analysis of microglial transcriptome reveals effect of DLG4 (PSD-95) on white matter structure in preterm infants. (provisionally accepted at Nature Communications) preprint:
Krishnan ML, Aljabar P, Wang Z, Ball G, Mirza G, Saxena A, Counsell SJ, Montana G, Edwards AD. Machine learning analysis confirms importance of genetic variability in PPAR signalling for brain connectivity in preterm infants. (submitted to Proc Nat Acad Sci)
Van Steenwinckel J, Schang AL, Krishnan ML, Sigaut S, Montamé A, Verdonk F, Degos V, Hennebert O, Lebon S, Schwendimann L, Charpentier TL, Hassan-Abdi R, Ball G, Aljabar P, Saxena A, Holloway R, Birchmeier W, Auvynet C, Miron V, Rowitch D, Chretien F, Petretto EG, Edwards AD, Hagberg H, Soussi-Yanicostas N, Fleiss B, Gressens P. Microglia Wnt pathway inhibition drives pro-inflammatory microglia activation leading to white matter injury. (under review at Journal of Clinical Investigation )
Chung AW, Schirmer MD, Krishnan ML, Ball G, Aljabar P, Edwards AD, Montana G. Characterising brain network topologies: A dynamic analysis approach using heat kernels. NeuroImage. 2016 (ePub ahead of print , doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.07.006)
Krishnan ML, Wang Z, Silver M, Boardman JP, Ball G, PhD, Counsell SJ, Walley AJ, Montana G, Edwards AD. Possible relationship between common genetic variation and white matter development in a pilot study of preterm infants. Brain and Behavior, 2016 (doi: 10.1002/brb3.434).
Krishnan ML, Wang Z, Silver M, Boardman JP, Ball G, PhD, Counsell SJ, Walley AJ, Montana G, Edwards AD. Identification of genes in lipid metabolism associated with white matter features in preterm infants. The Lancet, 2016 (doi:
Krishnan ML, Wang Z, Silver M, Boardman JP, Ball G, PhD, Counsell SJ, Walley AJ, Montana G, Edwards AD. Identification of genes in lipid metabolism associated with white matter features in preterm infants. The Lancet, 2016 (doi:
Johnson MR, Behmoaras J, Bottolo L, Krishnan ML, Pernhorst K, Santoscoy PL, Rossetti T, Speed D, Srivastava PK, Chadeau-Hyam M, Hajji N, Dabrowska A, Rotival M, Razzaghi B, Kovac S, Wanisch K, Grillo FW, Slaviero A, Langley SR, Shkura K, Roncon P, De T, Mattheisen M, Niehusmann P, O'Brien TJ, Petrovski S, von Lehe M, Hoffmann P, Eriksson J, Coffey AJ, Cichon S, Walker M, Simonato M, Danis B, Mazzuferi M, Foerch P, Schoch S, De Paola V, Kaminski RM, Cunliffe VT, Becker AJ, Petretto E. Sestrin 3 genetically regulates a disease associated transcriptional network in human epilepsy. Nat Commun. 2015 (doi: 10.1038/ncomms7031).
Boardman JP, Walley A, Ball G, Takousis P, Krishnan ML, Hughes-Carre L, Aljabar P, S Ahmed, King C, Merchant N, Srinivasan L, Rueckert D, Counsell S, Edwards AD. Common genetic variants modulate risk of brain injury after preterm birth. Pediatrics. 2014 (doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-3011).
Krishnan ML, Wang Z, Silver M, Boardman JP, Ball G, Counsell SJ, Walley AJ, Edwards AD, Montana G. Identification of genes in lipid metabolism associated with white matter features in preterm infants. The Lancet 2016; Vol 387 Special Issue S60
Boardman JP, Walley A, Ball G, Takousis P, Krishnan ML, Hughes-Carre L, Aljabar P, S Ahmed, King C, Merchant N, Srinivasan L, Rueckert D, Counsell S, Edwards AD. Common genetic variants modulate risk of brain injury after preterm birth. Pediatrics. 2014 Jun;133(6):e1655-63
Hoerder-Suabedissen A, Oeschger FM, Krishnan ML, Belgard TG, Wang WZ, Lee S, Webber C, Petretto E, Edwards AD, Molnár Z. Expression profiling of mouse subplate reveals a dynamic gene network and disease association with autism and schizophrenia.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Feb 26;110(9):3555-60
Krishnan ML, Commowick O, Jeste SS, Weisenfeld NI, Hans A, Gregas M, Sahin M, Warfield SK. Diffusion features of white matter in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex assessed with tractography. Pediatric Neurology 2010 Feb;42(2):101-6
Krishnan ML, Dyet LE, Boardman JP, Kapellou O, Allsop JM, Cowan F, Edwards AD, Rutherford MA, Counsell SJ. Relationship between white matter apparent diffusion coefficients in preterm infants at term equivalent age and developmental outcome at two years. Pediatrics 2007 Sep; 120: e604-e609
Sharp P, Krishnan M, Pullar O, Navarrete R, Wells D, de Belleroche J. Heat shock protein 27 rescues motor neurons following nerve injury and preserves muscle function. Experimental Neurology 2006 Apr;198(2):511-8
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